Maintaining Your Wiper Blades

One of the most irritating things you can experience when driving in the rain is that moment when those first drops start to fall… And you’re ignoring it, until you get to the point where it’s starting to interfere with your vision… So you reach down to turn your windshield wipers on… And they SMEAR the drops all over your windshield!

Now your vision is even worse than it was before you turned them on! And that just gets worse the more it rains. Beyond being annoying, this becomes a safety issue as well. This starts to happen over time as you use your wipers more and more. Any number of things can happen to these blades:

  • UV rays can dry out the rubber. 
  • Dirt and debris can get on or under the blades (and this could wind up scratching your windshield).
  • Or eventually, the rubber on the blade just wears out from constant friction from wiping your windshield. 

    Thankfully F11® can help slow down all of these problems and make your wiper blades work better, longer!

    Next time you’re applying F11® to your vehicle, take that MicroFiber that’s soaked with F11® and rub it directly on your wiper blades. In combination with the F11® that you already have on your windshield, this treatment will make your wiper blades last much longer, your visibility when it’s raining better, and your drive much safer!

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